
Privacy Policy

Last updated: 31st January, 2022

Privacy Policy The privacy policy has been mention to registering for and availing our various services, we will update you time to time via our or SMS, mail, and telephone. The privacy policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Read privacy policy before using our website and know all the surfing conditions. Make sure you are aware of any changes, update, and modification. Please review this privacy policy time to time. If you are visiting with and surfing web pages and using services then you are deemed to have accepted all the Privacy Policy conditions.

Personal Information:
  • You have right not to supply personally identifiable information. If You intend to view this ITSWS Technologies Service and/or or share your data with the ITSWS Technologies Service, it is solely at your own volition, risk and after reading and confirming it to this Privacy Policy.
  • At the time of using the ITSWS Technologies Service you will share certain Personal Information with ITSWS Technologies, ITSWS Technologies respects your Personal Information. Such Personal Information may include your personal identifiable information such as your name, address, mobile number, your e-mail ids, your age, IP address, payment details and any other personal information which You may share in connection with the services.
  • In case You participate in any other schemes, facilities, services provided by the ITSWS Technologies Service, You will be required to provide additional information. Such information will also remain in ITSWS Technologies’s database and will be considered as your Personal Information and will be treated as confidential.
Protection of Information and Storage
  • ITSWS Technologies needs to caution You that the ITSWS Technologies Service could be vulnerable to hacking, virus attacks and your personal data may be at risk. ITSWS Technologies takes all the necessary and reasonable caution to protect the ITSWS Technologies Service and data.
  • ITSWS Technologies may place a text file called a "cookie" in the browser files of your Mobile. The cookie itself does not contain Personal Information although it will enable the ITSWS Technologies Service to relate your use of the ITSWS Technologies Service to information that you have specifically and knowingly provided to ITSWS Technologies.
  • The Cookies enables ITSWS Technologies to remember your choices and some data field contents which you would be required to fill-in.
  • are showing various Google Ad-words and advertisements to re-marketing all the advertise trigger across the Internet. Google Ad-words re-marketing and displaying relevant ads on the website as per your search online. When the users using website's various pages then the cookies shored the searching information and the advertisement showing related their search. This cookie does not share in anyway identify you or give access to your computer. However, the cookies is used to say that this person visited pages, so related ads show on that page. Google AdWords Remarketing offers us to tailor our marketing to better suit as per your needs and show only display related ads that are relevant to your search.
Pre-approved Sharing of Personal Information
  • ITSWS Technologies endeavours to protect your Personal Information. ITSWS Technologies may share your Personal Information with its sponsors, service providers and its business partners. Personal Information could be shared so that you may receive newsletters, offers, information about new products, services, launches, facilities, schemes and other information, if applicable. The information collected from You and other users may be analysed in different manners. ITSWS Technologies may also share such analysis with its service providers and its business partners.
  • In case ITSWS Technologies is required to disclose your Personal Information in order to assist the Government Authority or in adherence to the Court or to protect the interest of the ITSWS Technologies Service and/or any particular user(s), ITSWS Technologies will disclose it without obtaining prior permission from you.
Links to Other Web Sites
  • This Privacy Policy applies only to the Services. The Services may contain links to other web sites not operated or controlled by ITSWS Technologies (the "Third Party Sites"). The policies and procedures we described here do not apply to the Third Party Sites. The links from the Services do not imply that ITSWS Technologies endorses or has reviewed the Third Party Sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their privacy policies.